07 December 2014

Matrix Game, Turn 1, Argument 5

Richard Phillips is the last player in the Matrix Game to get the chance to argue.  He threw in this one:

Anders Blix, UN Special Envoy to Andreivia has submitted a report to Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali urging the United Nations Security Council to issue a mandate for increased NATO deployments to Andreivia due to the deteriorating humanitarian situation. The Secretary General has called an emergency meeting of the Council to vote on Resolution S/RES/755 (1992). The Secretary General proposes the establishment of the United Nations Operation in Andreivia (UNOA) led by troops from the Italian Armed Forces under the command of Lieutenant General Claudio Graziano. The UNOA would be tasked with the following mission:-

a). Securing a corridor for aid convoys between the Turkish border and Tcherbevan. 

b). Providing protection for humanitarian relief convoys as requested by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and providing ground transport for difficult routes.

c). Creating a secure environment in order to provide humanitarian assistance to all members of the civilian population as the United Nations have grave concerns about the deteriorating situation in Andreivia.

I was faced with something of a dilemma here as the Russians would obviously have the option to veto any such motion.  I asked Richard to run the motion past Tom who determined that the Russian delegation in New York would indeed exercise this option.

This left me with no option but to declare the argument Very Weak.  This meant that it would only succeed on a six (representing some last-minute horse-trading at the UN or perhaps Yeltsin acting in a loose cannon fashion against the advice of his team).

I rolled a one (at work on my iPhone dice rolling app, witnessed by colleague and fellow wargamer Geoff Taylor) so the Argument does not succeed.

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