The sad history of Andreivia as it endured a bloody civil war through the 1990s as told by members of the Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers (SOTCW).
Unable to sleep tonight so I'm up at 2 a.m. posting details of the next Andreivia scenario. Here are the Russian forces:
First VDV Spetsnaz Squad (Tac 4)
Platoon Commander Assault rifle, Pistol 4L
BMD Driver Pistol 4
BMD Gunner Pistol 4
Gunner Clip-fed LMG 4
Grenadier RPG, Assault Rifle 4
Asst Gunner Assault Rifle 4
Asst Squad Leader Assault Rifle 4L
BMD-1 airborne infantry fighting vehicle
Second VDV Spetsnaz Squad (Tac 4)
Squad Leader Assault rifle, Pistol 4L
BMD Driver Pistol 4
BMD Gunner Pistol 4
Gunner Clip-fed LMG 4
Grenadier RPG, Assault Rifle 4
Asst Gunner Assault Rifle 4
Asst Squad Leader Assault Rifle 4L
BMD-1 airborne infantry fighting vehicle
Third VDV Spetsnaz Squad (Tac 4)
Squad Leader Assault rifle, Pistol 4L
BMD Driver Pistol 4
BMD Gunner Pistol 4
Gunner Clip-fed LMG 4
Grenadier Assault Rifle, GL 4
Asst Gunner Assault Rifle 4
Asst Squad Leader Assault Rifle 4L
BMD-1 airborne infantry fighting vehicle
VDV Spetsnaz Sniper Team (Tac 4, self-ordering unit)
Sniper Self-loading rifle 4
Spotter Assault Rifle 4
VDV Support Team (Tac 5)
Team Leader Assault Rifle 4L
Gunner AGS-17, Assault Rifle 5
Loader Assault Rifle 5
The Platoon Commander, if in a BMD or in the control tower, can call in air support in the form of a circling MiG 27.