15 March 2025

Some recent additions

With Crisis Point coming up in four weeks I've been producing some new units. Some of them are specifically Andreivian, others are WWII types that can serve in the republic.

One of the latter is this IS-2:

It's one of three or four of the Russian-made die-cast models I bought when The Works had them going cheap a few years back. 

Obviously this meant that I had a number of tanks with the same serial number (and the same patriotic slogan on the front glacis plate) so a repaint was called for. This one was given a coat of my normal Soviet green colour (Vallejo Reflective Green) and a serial number from the spare decals box. Annoyingly I picked the tank up before it had dried properly and the decal on the left side of the turret came off so the 302 serial is on one side only.

The house is also new, one of a couple I've done as part of an Andreivian-Armenian village. It's made from foam-core with a tiled roof from Wills textured plasticard. The render texture is Quick Drying Polyfilla added with a pallet knife.

Another recent Russian addition is some Naval Infantry.

I've had these guys for ages, I think they may be by Elhiem or RH Models. I quite like the mix of hooded camouflage suits and black uniforms. The ones pictured here are part of a platoon-strength unit I'll be using at Crisis Point. They'll get flock and static grass added to their bases before they are used.

Not actually new but just upgraded is this Khmali armoured car.

This was a piece of kit-bashing by Ian Shaw using parts from the Airfix Scimitar and the Hasegawa Humber armoured car. I've tidied up the basing, removed a broken mudguard and added the hand-painted Andreivian flag to the side of the hull.

Also upgraded are my Andreivian paras.

Gamers of a certain age will recognise them as the old Airfix models, which were never really authentic as anything in particular so an Andreivian use seemed appropriate.

I've rebased the mortar crew and given their leader a slung rifle.

The platoon is mostly equipped with SMGs so their long-range firepower isn't great. An LMG team seeded like a good idea. 

I cut the barrel from a modern British infantryman and added it in place of the barrel of a prone figure's rifle. Attaching the modified guy and his loader to an MDF base gives strength to the conversion and helps distinguish them from the rest of the platoon. An additional SMG-armed figure completes the three-man team.

Finally we have an M1938 howitzer to provide the Andreivian Armenians with some additional firepower.

The emplacement is from foam-core, Polyfilla and Milliput.

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