What is happening?
Crisis Point is an opportunity to play larger games than any of us would usually manage on our own. Over the last few years it's also been a chance for all of the players to contribute to the continuing history of Andreivia. This year's gaming is set in Andreivia in April 1918. Has Andreivia thrown off the Russian yoke only to fall under Turkish domination?
Crisis Point 2018 has the following planned programme
- Friday 3:30 - 5:00pm - load-in and initial set-up at the hall.
- Friday evening - social gathering at The Royal Hotel
- Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm - giant Andreivian game accompanied by at least one session of Pulp Alley
- Saturday evening - social gathering at The Royal - pies will be consumed
- Sunday 10:00am - 1:00pm morning gaming
- Sunday 1:00pm - 2:00pm lunch at The Royal - more pies
- Sunday 2:00pm - 4pm - finish off morning scenarios.
When is it?
The weekend of 7th and 8th April 2018. Starting 10am on the Saturday and finishing about 3-4pm on the Sunday. If you're local or if you're coming up on Friday evening and staying over, there'll be a load-in and set up session at about 3:30 on the Friday evening.
Where is it?
Dungworth Green Hall, Dungworth, nr Sheffield S6 6HE. The hall doubles as that of the local primary school and as a village hall. The facilities are excellent and we can lock our toys away safely when we adjourn to the pub.
There are several bed and breakfast establishments nearby:
- Padley Farm is almost next door,
- Rickett Field Farm is only a little further,
- The Royal Hotel is where we gather in between gaming sessions and also has excellent accommodation.
What rules are we using?
The main game this year uses the Arc of Fire rules. This year we're using a modified activation system that should make for faster (and more chaotic) play.
How much does it cost?
The cost of the weekend is £15 per person. The cost of attending the event covers the cost of hiring the hall. Any surplus we make goes to charity.
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